Faith Tabernacle Press & Publicity Unit

What Are You Carrying?

6:12 pm
Many a Pentecostal pastor today is daily criticized for ‘distorting’ the prosperity message. Others mock them as using the prosperity messag...


10:30 pm
 " … WHY SEEK YE THE DEAD AMONG THE LIVING? HE IS HERE, BUT IS RISEN” LK 24:5-6 The Winners’ family on Sunday 20 th April 2014 join...

Faith Tabernacle Announcements

10:25 pm
                                   1.      All WSF ministers/operators at all levels are expected to attend a seminar on Monday 21 st Ap...


1:40 am
John the Baptist did no miracle-John 10 verse 41 Members of the Winners family have been admonished to be conscious of angelic prot...
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