Faith Tabernacle Press & Publicity Unit

Direct From Papa's Books #4

Punchy and powerful quotes of Bishop David Oyedepo, from one of the books of the month of November, “Walking In The Newness of Life.”
“The love of money is the root of all evil. As long as the root is in place, the tree will keep bearing fruits.” (Page 30)
“Those who go after gold miss God, but those who pursue hard after God will have gold as additions…If you don’t count gold as dung, you will become dung.” (Page 34)
“I have told the Lord, ‘Wherever I will get to and your presence eludes me, let me never get there. Whatever I will own that will make You disown me, may I never own it. Whatever I will possess that will make You dispossess me, let me never possess it. Whatever position I will get to that I will no longer see You, may I never get there.” (Page 35)
“If you are a lover of gold, you can never be free from telling lies. Besides, pride will stick to you like tick to a cloth.” (Page 36)
“The rich fool in Luke 12:16-20 saw his harvest and said, ‘My soul rest,’ and God said, ‘Your body will rest too’. He was laid to rest that same night.” (Page 36)

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