Faith Tabernacle Press & Publicity Unit


No matter the devastations in your life, by the Spirit of wisdom, solutions will come your way!
Every unsettled area of your life is settled right now in Jesus' name!
Every curse that is responsible for your unsettlement is broken today in the name of Jesus!
Whatsoever has stayed beyond a while in your life is terminated in the name of Jesus!
By the wisdom of God, you will begin to draw lessons from situations around you!
The Word of God that will reshape your life will come your way today in Jesus' name!
I see you entering into your rest today in the name of Jesus!
From today, as the love of God comes alive in your heart, I see you soaring above frustrations!
Various areas of your life will be settled right now in the name of Jesus!
This week marks the end of your search for a profitable job in Jesus' name!
This new week is declared your week of settlement!
Ups and downs is terminated in your life in the name of Jesus (Proverbs 4:18)!
Today is your day of escape; that curse is broken in Jesus' name!
Your star will never go down!
You are blessed!
Your case is Different #MCID

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