I PROPHESY OVER YOUR LIFE TODAY (17:02:2016) --- Bishop Oyedepo
- "Whatever is militating against your accessing deeper revelations; whatever is beclouding your access to the deep things of God, they are crushed today in Jesus' Name.
- Before this week is over, a Word from the Lord will hit you, and that Word will change your story forever.
- The day is declared open in your favour; No mishaps; no evil occurrence
- It’s your day of open heavens!
- It’s your day of going forward!
- All the fliers going out today are declared blessed. They must return with a harvest of souls
- Everyone holding any of our tracts will experience the convicting and converting power of the Holy Ghost
- Have the best of the day; most fruitful, most empowering;
- In the precious Name of Jesus
- See you at 6pm today.
- You are blessed!"
Amen and amen