BOOK REVIEW (1): Conquering Controlling Powers

Author: Bishop David Oyedepo
Book Pages: 70
Publisher: Dominion Publishing House
Reviewer: Suleimanu Usaini

Sicknesses are real, oppressions and demonic operations are real but the confidence we have is that the power of God in us to conquer these forces is unimaginable. This is the central theme of the book as seen through every chapter that exposes how we as children of the light can live victoriously daily. 

The author in the introduction captures this thus: “The last days’ operation of iniquity is on the frequency of mysteries... The wicked shall do more wickedly! Forces have been let loose from hell, to hold bound the sons of God. But I have good news for you! We are going to destroy those forces! Satan is going to suffer utter defeat!”

The author places emphasis on the kind of warfare we face on earth as he states “Our battles are essentially spiritual. It will therefore require a spiritual approach to have our desired victory.” He further makes mention in the opening chapter that the law of sin is the force that remotely controls, subjects and brings into captivity innocent sons of men.

Furthermore, the following chapter expands on the operations of controlling spirits called rulers of the darkness of this world who are behind all works of darkness and iniquity in the world. For instance the author states that “there is what is called unclean spirits. Every man that is reacting against the word of righteousness is under the bondage of unclean spirits.” The unclean spirits discussed in this chapter were spirit of the world, lying spirit, spirit of bondage, spirit of whoredom and spirit of disobedience.

Glory be to God that every force and unclean spirit destroying the destines of the sons of men can be destroyed through Christ Jesus. The author encourages the reader to take responsibility for breaking every influence that moves against the will of God in his/her life. He further elucidates some nuggets that will aid the reader break off every evil habit and spirit. 

Firstly, the reader is encouraged to cast off unclean spirit by declaring it with his/her mouth. Secondly, he/she is to command it to enter no more because every spirit that is cast out will roam looking for where he can inhabit and if he discovers that where he was cast out is still empty it will come back with seven other spirits more wicked than him to inhabit the place (Matthew 12:43-45). 

As sons of God, the author also suggests that we put off every filthy raiment (the old man with its deeds) and put on the new man. We are expected to lay aside every burden that easily besets us, mortify the flesh, purge ourselves from every form of sinful acts, follow hard after righteousness and make friends with God.

This book is for everyone who desires not to only know how to be free from the influence of controlling forces, but to also live continually victoriously above them.

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