Download Signs & Wonders Today; It is Free!!!

Just in case you are not aware or you have forgotten, you can now download the amazing Signs & Wonders Today, the weekly publication of Faith Tabernacle, free of charge, from the ministry's official website Signs & Wonders Today is published by Dominion Publishing House, owned by the ministry, and it contains the previous Sunday's message, amazing testimonies, prophetic blessings of the week, service schedule for the next midweek and Sunday service as well as a call for salvation. 

Testimonies abound as to how the seemingly small, four-paged spiritual material has been a blessing to members and non-members alike. It has also been very useful in soul-winning especially at the zonal outreaches as well as personal evangelism. So, if you are a Winner, the next time time you are going out for personal evangelism, don't leave home without Signs & Wonders Today. But if you don't have the hard copy, don't worry, download it by clicking the link below. Better still, you can forward it to as many friends as possible via email or even share it on Facebook. 

CLICK HERE to download it now! Be blessed.

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