Direct From Papa's Books #7

“When our ministry first started, I had just three coats and two trousers. I just kept combining them. Yet, I was the ‘President General’ of the ministry. Who is looking at you? The worth of a man is not in his dress; it is his address! Your worth is in your value to men, not in the things you put on your body. For instance, if a harlot wears all manner of expensive apparel, does that make her an honourable woman? The title ‘harlot’ has already destroyed the glamour of the clothes. Have you ever seen a beautiful beggar? The fact that he is beggar has eroded whatever beauty he has.” (Page 56)
Punchy and powerful quotes of Bishop David Oyedepo, from one of the books of the month of November, “Walking In The Newness of Life.”

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